After prior messaging to complete a modem swap of older DOCSIS 2 modems, a large ISP decided to make one last-ditch effort to reach customers who had not yet acted. Using PerfTech’s Bulletin System, the ISP reached out to those remaining subscribers with an in-browser message explaining their phone service would no longer work without the new, free-of-charge modem. The message contained multiple ways to contact the provider by: text, twitter, the ISP app, phone number, and a link to order online. If not using the embedded link, the subscriber could also acknowledge by clicking “I understand”. PerfTech’s platform logs any link or action-button response, but is not able to measure other means of contact independent of the browser notice. Still, the message elicited a substantial response rate of 33.9%, as follows:

Button Percent Response
I understand 29.0%
Order online link 4.9%
Total response 33.9%