Many ISPs use PerfTech’s in-browser messaging platform for ongoing communication campaigns, the most popular being late-pay and long-term maintenance upgrades. These campaigns are generally set up once and then operate on an ongoing, automated basis. Some ISPs, however, turn to Bulletin System for their dynamic needs to reach-out with an urgent message and/or get quick feedback. These campaigns are typically short-lived, lasting for approximately 5-10 days. One of our regional ISP customers has recently used the platform for three such campaigns:
• to announce a billing change, aligning billing cycle with data measurement
• to get feedback on customer demand for keeping or dropping a channel
• to impart hurricane-related service information

Customer responses relative to delivered messages follow:

Billing Change Responses
OK thanks: 49.6%
Remind me later: 26.0%
Total response rate: 75.6%

Channel Line-up Survey Responses
No thanks: 27.3%
Remind me later: 7.5%
Submit survey: 18.3%
Total response rate: 53.1%

Hurricane Information Responses
OK thanks: 29.7%
Remind me later: 12.1%
Storm line: .1%
Total response rate: 41.9%

The overall high average response rate to these one-off message campaigns confirms to the ISP that in-browser messaging has become a trusted and reliable vehicle for their everyday communication needs.