During the Covid pandemic, the FCC set up the Emergency Broadband Benefit program (EBB) to enable qualifying families to access the Internet needed for online work and virtual classrooms. EBB benefits continued until March 1, 2022, and have now been replaced by the ACP (Affordable Connectivity Program) at a lower benefit but for a longer term.

Two of PerfTech’s customers, one a top-tier carrier and one a regional ISP, both used in-browser messaging to reach initial EBB subscribers, inform them of their benefits and to automatically migrate them to the ACP to continue uninterrupted service. As their messages are informational and require neither a log-in nor a call-in, simple action-button responses are requested. For this use case, response rates have been high, as follows:

Percent of EBB message recipients who responded:

ISP1: Agree (to extended benefit) 70.3%
ISP1: Learn more .5%
ISP1: Total 70.8%

ISP2: OK Thanks 48.0%
ISP2: Remind me 40.8%
ISP2: Total 88.8%